As opposed to other freelance professions, locksmithing offers you unprecedented value for your time. For example, changing a cylinder takes about 15 minutes, but earns you a minimum of $150. And installing a door takes an average of 6 minutes (for a newbie locksmith), while lining your coffers with $180, at no additional investment on your part!

Furthermore, this career is leisurely and suitable to all. Whether you’ve recently been released from active duty, you already hold down a salaried job and are in search of extra income, or you’re looking to open a business of your own, this career enables you to set your own comfortable hours. Of course, the more available you are, the greater your odds of a larger salary will be.

It’s no wonder that this is one of the most sought-after professions in the American job market. The harder you work, the more your income will grow, within a short span of time.

Thousands of calls await you each day. All you need is to respond to two calls a day to earn a minimum of $350 each day (Income from a professional service call is a minimum of $80 a day). Simply calculate $350 times 25 days to learn that you can earn a minimum of $8,750 a month. With time, that amount can grow to as much as $12,000 a month! Your earnings depend on your efforts and your investment in great advertising. Of course, we will take care to provide you with all the necessary information. All you need to do is keep trying and make yourself available.

Once you complete the theoretical portion of the course and pass our online tests, you will tackle our practical lessons. If you pass those as well, our instructor will recommend that you receive a locksmithing certificate that reflects the knowledge you’ve acquired.

Yes! In the United States, there are over 84 million calls for locksmithing services each year, and not nearly enough locksmiths available to respond to them all. There is a real need for more people to learn the locksmithing profession and provide private, public, and institutional customers with the services they need across the US.

Yes, you can. The average American salary doesn’t always cover the ever-climbing cost of living here. If you work until 5 and want to increase your salary, you can post an ad online or start working as a contract worker, on a commission basis. You can add an extra $7,000 to your monthly income, by simply working after you clock out from your day job.

You may find yourself faced with internet, newspaper, radio, billboard, and other ads about various fields of education. You may even find yourself wondering if these fields are potential career paths for you. Would you enjoy working in a particular field? More importantly, could you earn a fixed and satisfying income for years to come?

One of the most talked-about professions, for which many ads of all kinds can be found, is locksmithing. This career path is chosen by many young professions seeking to serve the population at large, as well as by many seasoned workers looking to make a career change or add to their professional experience (and income).

A short and simple locksmithing course will prepare you to enter the market and earn thousands of dollars each month – a profit per time spent ratio you won’t find in any other field.

A career for life – The locksmithing course enables you to acquire a career you will be able to work at for life, even past retirement age. Locksmithing is not a physically exhausting career and you will continue to be able to perform its required tasks without limitation as you age. You can work in various related niches for years.

Specialization – The biggest advantage of the locksmithing course is that you can specialize in a particular field. It’s reasonable to assume that customers will prefer turning to professionals who have studied the field, obtained certification, and know exactly how to diagnose and fix any issue.

Connections with professionals – The course will help you become acquainted with experienced colleagues and professionals, as well as with lecturers who can help you – during the course, as well as throughout your career. This will enable you to form a broad social network that promotes optimal integration in this field.

Added value – A high-quality, professional course will provide you with added value, knowledge and tools you won’t necessarily receive elsewhere, such as how to work with customers, suppliers, etc.

In recent years, the teaching of more and more subjects has shifted from the traditional, in-classroom model, to alternative frameworks, including online studies.

You can find these types of courses covering a wide variety of fields: design, programming, website development, writing, languages, and more. You can also find a variety of online courses that cover technical subjects, such as locksmithing.

This may ostensibly sound bizarre; after all, how can you learn a technical field, such as locksmithing, online? But as you will soon learn, it is possible and even very practical for many people, including those who want to learn the business and open their first business, as well as for those who already have jobs and are looking to expand the range of services they can provide their customers.

As implied by its name, an online course is a set of lessons transmitted over the internet, that anyone can sign up for and learn new subjects in each lesson. To transform an online lesson into a practical one, students must acquire the necessary tools.

Note that online courses also have certain requirements that must be completed: tests, research projects, etc. Our course integrates theoretical online and practical, teacher-led lessons, so you can obtain knowledge and certification.

Online courses can be suitable for a variety of students, including those seeking to learn to become professional locksmiths, under a variety of conditions.

First, our online course is suitable for people who already have a job and don’t have time to study the locksmithing profession in-person. Instead of traveling to a classroom, they can learn the field from the comfort of their home at their convenience.

Second, our course is suitable for people who cannot sign up for an in-school setting, for one reason or another. From financial and other perspectives, it’s more worthwhile to register for an online course that integrates practical studies.

Third, our course is suitable for people who are looking to learn how to work with locks and expand the services they already provide their customers.

When looking to register for a course in one field or another, one generally inquires about why it might be worthwhile to sign up, and weighs it against one’s desire to enter this professional field, as a primary or secondary career.

This is true for those seeking to register for our locksmithing course as well. First, ask yourself if you want to be a locksmith and what benefits such a career might provide. Then you can start delving into why you should sign up for this specific course, what knowledge and skills you will acquire, and whether it’s worth your dime. After all, this course is but a means to an end: becoming a professional locksmith. You wouldn’t sign up for the course if you didn’t want to work as a locksmith upon the course’s completion.

The following sections outline several reasons why you should become a locksmith – why it’s worth it. Of course, just like with other areas of life, when you think about a profession and a career, many factors come into play. Income is just one of them.

Before we dive in, note that even if all of these reasons are relevant, you still need to ask yourself if you have the availability (in terms of time and headspace) to participate in a professional course. If the answer is “yes,” you can get started by registering for the best course and study well from experienced and professional instructors.

5 reasons to become a locksmith:

The salary – When you work as a locksmith, whether as a freelancer or a salaried worker, you can earn well. This is true regardless of whether or not you set your own rates, or because your client base is near-endless and demand is 24/7.

The challenge – This is not a static profession, but rather a profession that comes part in parcel with new challenges, at each and every service call. Every door and lock is different, creating new and interesting challenges.

The mobility – As a locksmith, not only will you get to travel across the city – or country – instead of sitting in an office cubicle, but you’ll also be able to take your profession with you, wherever you go, even abroad!

The conditions – While this is a physical profession, it isn’t too hard on your body, and the work conditions are pretty comfortable. You never need to work in heat waves or rain.

The availability – On the one hand, you need to be available to answer service calls at all times. On the other hand, you can set your own schedule.

When looking to register for any particular course, it’s only natural that you’d want to know how much it costs. After you’ve determined that you can afford the course, you’ll want to learn more about it, such as what additional costs might be involved, whether the initial investment will be worth the income opportunities down the line, etc.

It is important to note that these questions are not incidental, nor should they be answered according to gut feelings, but rather based on facts.  For example, if you want to know how much the course costs, you can simply contact us to find out. You can also study a wealth of online data to determine how much money (give or take) you would earn upon completing the course, as a salaried worker, or as a freelancer.

Note that you can find very affordable courses (such as ours) that enable you to acquire all required knowledge and tools to become a certified professional and more than cover the course’s costs, so you can start profiting in no time.

Contact us! We’ll provide you with all the information you need about our courses and their rates. We will also provide you with reliable and high-quality information about any associated and future costs, and more. Rest assured that our locksmithing course costs far less than other professional courses, especially those held at colleges. That being said, you will still receive all-inclusive, professional instruction that will serve you well, whenever you’re in need.

Namely, once you know how much you need to pay for the course and how much you could earn as a professional locksmith, you’ll be able to plan your budget with ease, so that you can sign up for the course, learn a quality, worthwhile profession, and start working as a freelancer or salaried locksmith who provides services to many customers.

First of all, there’s no reason to be afraid. Those who never try can never succeed. You don’t have to start big and open a “Licensed Business.” Start off small as a mobile professional, operating like plumbers and electricians. Promote yourself on websites such as 144, the Yellow Pages, Facebook, etc. for affordable rates. There’s no need to commit to large sums and long-term contracts. Slowly but surely, your business will grow. The more you land more jobs and practice what you’ve learned, the more professional and confident you will become. You’ll also experience greater exposure to new job opportunities. It is most important that you make yourself available; you never know when the next call will come in.

This why we’re here. We will teach you everything you need to know about the locksmithing field so that you can market yourself well, serve your customers even better, and start earning the big bucks.

Of course! Many women have joined the field in recent years. The work is not physical, but rather technical.

One of the most important questions people ask themselves before signing up for one course or another is: how can they land a job in the field? Is there even a demand for work in the field? Otherwise, why bother studying that profession – if they can’t earn a living from it, why waste their time in the classroom?

Naturally, when registering for the locksmithing course, the first question you’ll likely ask yourself if how to secure a job in the field. How can you join the professional world as a locksmith? Is there even demand for more locksmiths and their services? We know that there many professions, including technical ones, that are slowly being made redundant – will it happen to the locksmithing profession as well?

Rest be assured, as opposed to other fields, the locksmithing profession is in high demand and here to stay, if not continue to scale. While locksmiths will need to continuously expand their knowledge and integrate new tools and services pertaining to doors and locks, they will only continue to enjoy business from many more customers, greater exposure, and as many jobs as they can handle (if not more!).

Before we explain the practicalities of landing a job as a locksmith, it is important that we make note of the great changes that have taken the locksmithing world by storm in recent years, especially since the advent of the internet. Today, there are so many more tools to help you create and expand your exposure and reach. There is no doubt that we live in an era in which it is much easier for locksmiths to find work – as freelancers, or as salaried workers.

There are many ways to find work as a locksmith. We will present these options for freelancers and salaried workers, respectively.

For salaried workers:

There are companies and businesses that employ locksmiths to either work directly within the company with members of their professional team, or as employees who work with the company’s external customers.

To integrate with one of these companies, you must determine whether they’re in need of a locksmith; contact them! You can also make contact via a go-between, such as a locksmithing course instructor or professional.

For freelancers:

As freelancers, you need to go at it alone, and while it may be harder to hit the ground running, it can be done. You can start your own business and promote yourself online, via local media, through word-of-mouth recommendations from other professionals, and, of course, through the course’s instructors, who will be more than happy to help you connect with your first customers.

Naturally, you’re curious about how much you could earn as a professional, and would want to know your earning potential before deciding to study it in depth.

Some professions require a long period of study before you can start working in the field, with no promise of high income. Others require little initial investment of time (or other factors), but have high income potential, making a career in the field highly worthwhile. Locksmithing is a great example of the latter. Often, young adults debate registering for a course in this field. They ask themselves, as well as experienced professionals, how much a locksmith may earn and whether registering for a course is worth their while? As there are several options (for courses and career tracks), a certain degree of market research and comparison is required.

Before we detail how much money locksmiths earn and how we determined this sum, we should emphasize that our locksmithing course is extremely useful and practical, not only for professionals who work directly in this field, but also for people who engage in various odd-jobs around the house. This, as it enables you to significantly expand the range of services you can provide your customers, making it highly worthwhile to study the field, regardless of how much money you can earn, specifically.

That being said, working as a locksmith IS extremely lucrative, as outlined below.

Generally, as locksmiths are professionals operating within a free market, there is no specific table of rates to which you must adhere. You can demand any rate you feel is fair, relative to the type of work, time spent, and demand for your services.

For example, you can demand a higher rate for jobs beyond the geographical area in which you usually work. You can also demand a higher rate for services rendered during evening or early morning hours, or if you need to install a new lock (the customer would need to pay for the lock and for your services).

At the end of the day, compensation can be worth hundreds of dollars per job. You may only need to work 2-3 jobs a day to enjoy a very high daily income.

When looking into professional education program, the first thing to look into is where the programs are offered. Next, determine which available program offers the greatest bang for its buck. After all, not every institution is the right fit for every prospective student. Some hold to higher standards than others, and you only want to study where you can get a top-notch education, don’t you?

The same goes for those looking into locksmithing courses. As locksmithing is a highly popular field, many courses are offered by many higher education institutions. You must determine where the best, most worthwhile program is being held, before signing on any dotted line.

Before we share various points that will enable you to make an educated decision vis-à-vis where to study locksmithing, it is important to note that today, you have many tools, opportunities, and means for researching the subject at your disposal. You can research online, survey various institutions’ ‘About’ pages, and inquire about those that pique your interest.

There are two main types of places where you can study this profession: colleges & technical schools, and dedicated schools & courses. The latter employ professional locksmiths to teach their lessons to (young) students seeking to learn and integrate into the field in the near future.

The following are 3-4 main points that can help you decide where to study this promising profession:

The instructors – It’s important to get to know the instructors, especially their professional experience. It’s crucial that they come from the field.

The program – Examine what the program includes, how much it can help you, and to what degree it is updated and relevant.

The conditions – From learning conditions to costs, and anything related to the registration process.

The certification – It’s important to ensure that completing the program leads to certification and that you are provided with practical tools on how to find work in the field, once your studies are complete.

When looking into a course in a specific field, the first question you likely (and naturally) ask yourself is, “how much does it cost?” How much does it cost to sign up? This is true, regardless of the field, course, location, or duration. The answer you receive will influence your decision to sign up for a course – and where.

This question is relevant to a locksmithing course as well. As you will likely need to invest time and other costs into the course, you should prepare yourself so you can budget accordingly (assuming you can afford it in the first place).

Before we go into detail about how you inquire about costs, it’s important to note that today, it’s much easier to know how much courses cost and compare between various costs than ever before. Remember, just because one course costs less than another, doesn’t mean that it’s less worthwhile. In fact, the low cost may stem from a much narrower offering.

These days, you can access a plethora of comprehensive information capable of answering our near-every question. Using the internet, we can find all the information about courses, their rates, content, and other details.

Aside from perusing the information made public by made institutions online, you can also contact any institution directly and ask for a quote. Once you’ve gathered several quotes, you’ll be able to decide which program best suits your needs, taking into account costs, program structure and duration, learning conditions, instructor quality, and more.

At the end of the day, you want to know how much a course like ours costs. A locksmithing course can cost thousands of dollars; nowhere near as high as standard college tuition, as it will not span an entire academic year. You must consider the fact that your tuition will also include the various materials provided, but that it might not include other associated costs, such as missed work days, travel time and fees, etc., that you will need to fund on a regular basis.

How many times have you asked yourself if a particular profession is suitable for you? How many times have you seen a newspaper ad, heard about a friend who decided to study XYZ, or were offered by your parents to broaden your academic horizons, only to ask yourself if it is really what’s right for you? Can you actually see yourself studying this trade?

We are here to answer a single, very specific question: who is a locksmithing course suitable for? Many young adults find themselves perplexed by this question; is the course one that will provide them with the greatest possible value and accreditation, so as to enable them to prosper professionally, for as long as their hearts desire?

To help you make an educated decision as well, we offer a series of points that can clarify who this course is suitable for, who can register, and who will benefit, practically. Note that just like with any other professional field, no single locksmithing course can possible be suitable for everyone. Those who are uninterested in the field should not sign up for the course; that would be a waste of time and money, and would take up a slot better used by someone who is passionate about locks and doors.

Technically-oriented people – This locksmithing course is, first and foremost, intended for people with a certain technical aptitude; people who know how to work with their hands in a smart and savvy way. Often, the work will require them to be creative, find smart solutions, make various suggestions, and create optimal work processes and results.

Locksmithing courses are among the most popular courses offered in recent years, particularly in the technical world of home and business service professionals. Many young adults choose to sign up for these courses, so as to integrate into the field in a highly professional way and develop careers.

Before you hurry off and register for a locksmithing course held at one place or another, it’s important that you learn exactly how one studies for locksmithing certification, how one can sign up for these courses, and how the courses are actually run. This way, you can know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, and exactly what you can get out of this experience.

Remember, there are many institutions that offer courses in this field. As such, it is only natural that these institutions offer different conditions, academic programs, and teaching methods. We suggest that you determine exactly what your needs are, so that you can know how each program might be suited to you and help you integrate into the field.

Today, obtaining information on any locksmithing course is no problem at all. Using the internet, you can expose yourself to all important information on courses in this field.

Feel free to contact us and receive all the information you seek on our course, its conditions, program, and more.


How can I participate in your locksmithing course and what is included?

As you most likely already know, that goal of our course is to train you to become excellent, professional locksmiths.

As such, the program includes theoretical instruction on the structure of locks and doors, as well as on the various types of locks and doors, for buildings, vehicles, safes, and more.

In addition, the course integrates practical learning, during which you will learn to break through, remove, and fix locks, as well as how to work with each and every lock type, overcome challenges, and more. This portion also includes practice work and projects.

These days, there are two main types of courses: frontal, in-class courses, and online courses.

You will need to decide which type of course best suits your needs. Do you prefer an in-class course and all that it entails, or, do you prefer studying on your own, guided by an online course?

Note that in both cases, your instructors should be senior, highly-experienced professionals capable of supplying you with all relevant information – theoretical and practical. And, you will certainly need to hand in homework, complete tests, projects, and other course requirements in order to receive your locksmith’s certificate at the end of the course, regardless of whether it was held in-person, or online.

Patience – Locksmithing requires a lot of patience. While jobs must be completed right away and without delay, they cannot be performed in an instant. You will be required to diagnose the problem well, understand exactly what needs to be done, cope with the challenges surrounding the problem, and come up with a solution. The process of studying to become a locksmith requires these qualities – patience and deep understanding – as well.

A correct approach to people and details – Every detail and customer should be treated correctly. You’ll need to know how to approach every issue in the smartest way. During the course, you will also learn how to work with people, everyone from customers to suppliers.